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15 Feb 2009
1:35 am

life sucks. that makes me wanna return to this old blog with old memories and things i wanna let out of my system.

i guess i've not been sensitive enough in my entire life, though the fact that it took me so long to realise that it was a fault of no one but my own that drove me to feel so, ARGH.

these two incidents drove me to feel this way:

1. in camp, i just suan-ed mun kidd that he sang out of tune and kinda got him to feel very down. i mean, it was a joke and even he was laughing, but i guess i shldn't bring ppl dwn this way. i felt horrible when i found out it sank into his system a few minutes later, and tho he said it wasn't any fault of mine, it was. i felt so grossed out at myself, and it came to my realisation that sometimes, i say things that i felt were funny, but were indeed harsh and horrid. the tongue is an important tool, i shld learn to control it. haiz.

2. when yw said he didn't trust me with secrets. i guessed i've not been trustworthy, and i agreed with him. i've never been a man who can keep secrets, though my problem's improved slightly. sometimes i can be successful, but sometimes i treat it as a joke and release them, and it all seemed funny to me, but not to them. i should honestly, learn to SHUT THE HELL UP.

darrenleejunwen, IT IS TIME TO CHANGE. AND FAST.

26 Oct 2008
9:30 pm

maybe someday we'll know.

2 Oct 2008
11:38 pm

everyday's been a whirl. i can't even get grip of my life, as life just flies by so fast. and guess what? it's slightly more than a month before the start of A's.


every night, as i walk home in the stillness, after the bustle of the day has subdued and ended, i sing this song. and it's really a song that's so amazing. it just touches my heart, that i know that as i cry out to God, He is there.

and as i think of you, i really can't get to grips with the fact that you're not mine. but i know that i should not and will not fight with God for you. and if you're meant for me, you will. if not, God has someone better. (:

but i guess, i still think and care about you. but God is in control. yeap. (:

Everything that was
Is in Your hands
And all that is to come
I give to You
Take control
This life belongs to You
Forgive me Lord
For walking my own road
Take control
Jesus take control
Your kingdom come
Your will be done
Now and forever

And I surrender
I surrender
I surrender
To You
To You
That I may hear Your voice
That I may know Your heart
That I would see Your world
Through the eyes of hope
This my prayer oh God
This my prayer

let's fight the battle of A's tgt, everyone. (:

9 Sept 2008
11:44 pm

this week has been an eventful one already.

crap. HAHA.

monday morning, 7am, when i got off the bus, i felt my pocket, and was like "OH DAMN WHERE'S MY PHONE?!" Wei Bin thought i was joking, and he was staring at me like i just cracked the lousiest joke ever. terminated my line, went to school feeling sucky. got my gp results, which kinda sucks. physics was next, another bad U.

argh. maths, disappointing maths.

i need to buck up, ALOT. thank God i did like 4 topics of maths during the hols, cos mrs lim asked me what i did during the hols and she was plesently surprised i did so much. HAHA.

God, help me.

Always be my Baby
We were as one babe
For a moment in time
And it seemed everlasting
That you would always be mine

Now you want to be free
So I'm letting you fly
Cause I know in my heart babe
Our love will never die

You'll always be a part of me
I'm a part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby

I ain't gonna cry no
And I won't beg you to stay
If you're determined to leave girl
I will not stand in your way
But inevitably you'll be back again
Cause ya know in your heart babe
Our love will never end no

You'll always be a part of me
I'm part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby

I know that you'll be back girl
When your days and your nights get a little bit colder oooohhh
I know that, you'll be right back, babe
Ooooh! baby believe me it's only a matter of time

You'll always be apart of me
I'm part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my my baby....

You'll always be apart of me (you will always be)
I'm part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on (we will linger on....)
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby

24 Aug 2008
9:52 pm

OHMAN! olympics is overrrrr...

sucks. DAMN IT.

HAHA. daddy just got himself an iphone. LOLS.

he's been waiting since who knw's when. damn cute la. dad made mom promise she won't nag at having to pay so much for the plan. HAHA. bet she'll nag when the first bill comes in. LOLS.

and.. I HATE EXAMS. HATE HATE HATE HATE. i left three more papers. but the mood is kinda demoralised cos is like, physics and maths = DIE.

sian. and H1 chem aint my strength, not even close.

relying on You, Lord, to put my life into completion.

i want you to say, "well done, good and faithful servant." and until you have said that, i will follow You all the days of my life.

no longer lukewarm will i be. no more a conformist. i don't wanna be spit out of Your mouth. heh.

one more month to new phone. ENDURE.

11 Aug 2008
10:56 pm

so we will run
altogether with our hearts aflamed
with a fire that can't be tamed our God,
all glory to Your name
we will run
i surrender to bring you fame
i desire that You be praised
our God,
all glory to Your name, JESUS!

amen. great is Your name

i love Jesus. more than anything else ever. how he turned sunday's service from dull to joy! HAHA. i thank You Lord, for giving me the gifts that i now possess, and i pray that You will guide me to use them to Your glory, so i may be answerable to You.


it's been like 8 yrs since i've come to know you. MAN. so long ago. HAHA.

to think the number of people who came to Christ cos we prayed. =D thank You Lord. HAHA.

- i miss you, and i promise to be there for you, even if you choose not to share anything with me. (:


3 Aug 2008
12:17 am

life is full of regrets. like how i feel now.

regret, regret, REGRET.

great-granny, i'll miss you dearly. it's a pity that i may nvr see you again. ever.

this kinda spoils a great day for me.


woot. God touched, touched, touched. it was.. kinda amazing. to think it was soooo impromptu, and i kinda looked dumb la, in berms and all. HAHA. wells, bt the message, to the songs, to everything. it was like.. GOD.

i realise, God does things in miraculous ways. he just taught me a lesson three nights back, and today, yet another. Rev Mark was right. we have no control of other things. we are responsible to our loved ones, but responsible for ourselves. and yeap, the analogy was perfect. i need to start a customs unit in my brain. heh.

jesus, You will be my FOREVER. on that day, when i walked dwn into the sea, into my rebirth and renewed life, i made that promise as i sang that song; i have decided to follow jesus.
